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  • Maya B.

Club Fair

If you are a new student or going into Middle School or High School, choosing what clubs to join will probably not be easy. There are countless amounts of clubs with wide ranges here at NIS. No matter how long you have been at NIS, deciding the right clubs will always be a challenge. This article will guide you through every single club at NIS including tips on deciding clubs, how clubs work at NIS, and the benefits of joining clubs to prepare you for the upcoming Club Fair on the 18th of September!

Firstly, why join clubs? Being a part of clubs requires you to attend club meetings and do some work at home, which may seem like a challenge, especially when balancing school work, clubs, and extracurricular activities outside of school. However, joining clubs provides you the perfect opportunity to make new friends from different grades, which is beneficial especially for new students. In addition, joining clubs allows you to gain experience and develop skills including communication skills, self-management skills, leadership skills and much more!

Although joining clubs has numerous benefits, joining too many may be overwhelming. To avoid that, one tip is to remember to always focus on quality over quantity! Joining a bunch of clubs will most likely result in a lack of commitment, including not going to meetings, not doing club work, etc. Therefore, make sure to carefully select a few clubs that you are truly interested in so that you can actively participate, be committed, and make a difference! 

The clubs below are categorized based on which day the meeting is on. Please keep in mind that there are no meetings on Wednesdays as lunch breaks are shorter than other days. 

Service clubs (Meetings on Monday lunch break)

  • Homebuilders: The NIS HomeBuilders tackles issues such as human trafficking in Vietnam where we focus on raising advocacy, fundraising in the local community, and conducting direct service locally to bring upon a positive impact on our community.

  • Nagoya Environmental Conservation Club (N.E.C.C.): N.E.C.C. is a club where students come together to promote and raise awareness about environmental conservation and sustainability to educate and inspire the community about the importance of preserving the environment.

  • NIS Tutoring Club: The NIS Tutoring Club provides an opportunity for high school students to tutor younger students at NIS while simultaneously gathering funds to donate to different organizations in need.

  • Climates: Climate Justice Now. 

  • Nagoya Action Heroes: We are a student-led group focused on creating spaces that are safe and inclusive for the LGBTQIA+ community through playing community games, engaging with queer literature and pop culture, and learning more about ourselves and the people around us. 

  • Global Issues Network: GIN is an international network of students that aims to promote globalization and raise awareness of the social responsibility of “Global citizens” and develop solutions to modern issues.

Student Council (Meetings on Tuesday lunch break) 

  • Secondary School Student Council (SSSC): SSSC aims to create a school community where student voice is heard and valued. 

  • Home Language Club: HLC organizes various activities every week for elementary students to support and develop their language (German, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, and Ukrainian). 

Student Interest Clubs (Meetings on Thursday/ Friday lunch break)

  • Engineering: We learn about different aspects of engineering while doing team bonding.

  • Fitness Club: We strive to be the best versions of ourselves by constantly pushing our limits and achieving new goals every week! We live by our motto inspire inquire gains!

  • Dolphin Wave: Dolphin Wave provides an opportunity for students to explore the world of journalism through writing, editing, designing, social media managing, photography, and our magazines. 

  • Stress Zero Global: SZG aims to create a more comfortable, engaging and balanced academic experience through addressing stress and organizing events/projects to alleviate its effects.

  • Model United Nations (MUN): In MUN, students simulate the role of a delegate to the UN from the perspective of an assigned country. Students research and prepare draft resolutions to be debated in a formal setting. 

  • Junior Red Cross: JRC dedicates to disaster relief via fundraising. We also offer CPR/ First Aid workshops to teach lifesaving skills to students, and promote blood donations alongside raising funds for community health. 

  • TedEd Student Talks Club: In TED-Ed club, students spend a year preparing a TED talk about what they are truly passionate about. These talks are delivered to a live audience and aim for maximum engagement and impact.

  • HS Chess Club: Join our Chess Club to learn and improve your skills through friendly matches, mini-tournaments, and engaging lessons! 

  • Eco Committee: We strive to achieve the green flag status by making our school an eco-friendly environment!

  • Yearbook Club: The Yearbook Club provides an opportunity for students to design the pages of the Yearbook!

  • Bollywood: The Bollywood club trains students with dancing skills to provide a platform for them to express themselves creatively through Bollywood dance movements and facial expressions.

  • Athletic Council: The Athletic Council supports all sports teams at NIS by raising spirit, running all home tournaments and advertising athletics on social media. 

  • International Child Care: In ICC, we take care of children who need to stay after school while giving them an opportunity to experience international cultures and gain social skills through numerous activities.

  • NIS Entrepreneurs: Dive into a community where entrepreneurs inspire, inquire, and collaborate on crafting business plans and perfecting pitches to make an impact.

  • Cubing Club

  • Assembly Club

After school clubs

  • High School Play

  • Middle School Play w/ music

  • Middle School Honor Choir

  • Middle School Wind Band

  • Sports

New clubs

  • EAISAC Arts - Music

  • High School Honor Choir

  • Junior Nagoya Action Heroes

  • MS Guitar Club

  • Library Ambassadors

  • Positive Infinity

  • Secondary Chamber Orchestra

Before the club fair, I suggest you pick some clubs you are interested in. Then during the club fair on the 18th, go to the booths, talk to the leaders, and sign up! Ideally, you should aim to only join 1 club from the service club and student council categories and 1-2 clubs from the student interest club category. 

Not able to find a perfect club for you, or have a passion or interest that you would like to share with the students? Consider making your very own club by scanning this QR code or pressing this link and filling out the Student Club Proposal Form

Whether you decide to join existing clubs, or decide to make your own club, please keep in mind that the most important thing about clubs is to enjoy!

If you have any questions about clubs, please email Ms. Minandi (



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