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  • Faith R.



We are already in October! Many people know that October is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness, or as we refer to it as: ‘Pinktober’. This is when our NIS community wears pink every Wednesday in October to show our support for the fight against breast cancer. Don’t forget to join us and show your support! This awareness month is crucial as it promotes self-care, treatment, and good news. It's a time when we can take action; we wear pink, raise money for charity, and listen to the story of cancer survivors.

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in different parts of the world. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the breast grow out of control." It is a type of malignant or invasive tumor that does not dissolve quickly, so it must be subjected to a medical examination.

How can we prevent Breast cancer?

There is no certainty of how to end the existence of breast cancer. However, there are ways to lower the risk of having it. These are:

  1. Being physically active

  2. Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages

  3. Breastfeeding

We already know what breast cancer is and its prevention, but what are its symptoms?

The symptoms that women experience is the same as men. The only difference is that the tumor is easier to detect in men compared to women. Some symptoms are:

  1. Swelling and unusual breast shape

  2. Thinning of the skin and wounds that do not heal quickly.

  3. Breast and Nipple pain.

  4. Nipple retraction

  5. The skin of the breast changes to orange.

  6. Breast enlargement is noticeable, and there is a palpable hard lump.

Now we know what breast cancer is and why awareness is important. Always remember that the more we know about breast cancer, the greater our chances of making a difference. And to someone with breast cancer, we’re proud of you for continuing to fight. You’re a true warrior.



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