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  • Maya B.

To The Seniors... 🎓

Dear class of 2023,

You made it. Finally! You have definitely not had the easiest journey for a graduating class - but somehow you made it out the other side! Woohoo! I wish you all the luck in the world with your exam results and your future paths. I cannot wait to see where each of you go on your journeys. Remember to keep up those High Hopes and Seize Every Day and every moment! Take risks, have adventures, do something new or crazy at least once a month. Keep in touch with each other and enjoy all the best moments and learn from the hard ones. Most importantly look after yourselves and look forward not backwards. Have an amazing summer. I'll miss you. All the best, Miss Duffy

Dear Class of 2023, Over the past year I’ve witnessed your hard work, disappointments, and successes. Although you’ll continue to face setbacks, I believe that NIS has given you the tools to handle them. I hope that whatever happens you stay idealistic and faithful to your beliefs and values. May you find meaning and love in your lives. Please also help to solve the problems that previous generations (including mine) have created. I congratulate you on your graduation and hope you visit us when you’re back in Nagoya. Sincerely, Mr. Chartier

I wish you all the best in life. Remember to read, play chess, and be kind to animals.

Regards, Scott Prosek What did you enjoy the most about teaching the seniors this year? Mr. Moody: The variety of personalities and their sense of humor. Mr. Radcliffe: The silence. Mr. Steinkamp: I got to see your growth into students who stand much higher than they did in grade 11. What was the best memory you had with the seniors? Mr. Goodman: Maybe not "best", but most recent that made me smile was when a bunch of the 12s were hanging around the elevator blatantly waiting for it to arrive on the 2nd floor of East, only to see me walking into East, and all subsequently, simultaneously decided to feign interest in the various sponsors written on the green hexagons by the elevator. The smiles on their faces, and laughter, once they knew they'd been busted (which took about 3 seconds) was hilarious. Keep being you, Grade 12!! Ms. Hayashida: Cheering during the sports tournament. Ms. Haga: I've had the privilege of teaching students across different grades, including 7 and10. Additionally, I've coached some of them in middle school volleyball and softball. Whenever I see how much they've grown and reminisce on old memories, it often brings me to tears. Message to the seniors: Mr. Gildart: It's always a joy to see our students grow from being almost like Muppets into genuinely kind and caring people. Ms. Nakata: It was great to spend a year with you as a homeroom teacher when you were in 9th Grade. Good luck!! Ms. Case: From G10 to now, we tried our best to keep some semblance of community even though we lost so many students, and the world was turned upside down. But we're coming out on the other side and the world is literally yours, so continue to "Know better, do better, be better!"

What is a word and color that represents the 12th graders?


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