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  • Yeonwoo C.

Sickness During Season Change

Have you ever gotten sick during the time of the year when the season changes? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! It’s very common to get sick during this time as the environment changes around you. 

Some common symptoms people experience during season changes are coughing, stuffy nose, scratchy or sore throat, sneezing, watery eyes, mucus, high fever, muscle aches, etc. As you can see, people go through so many different symptoms. So now, let’s dive deeper to know why these sicknesses can happen and what we can do to prevent them.

The weather itself doesn’t make you sick. It’s actually the temperature change that makes certain viruses more prone to grow, causing people to catch them more easily. For example, the influenza virus grows rapidly in cold temperatures. This is why the rate of people having influenza increases rapidly during the winter. 

Also, the season shift causes your body to re-adapt to the new environment. These fluctuations can weaken the body’s immune system, causing people to be more vulnerable to catching certain viruses. 

Specifically, winter is the season when the sickness level reaches its peak. This is due to several reasons. First, people tend to stay indoors often, which makes diseases transmit easily from the dry heating and poor ventilation. Many people spend a lot of their time indoors with other people, such as at schools, office buildings, restaurants, etc, which increases their chance of getting sick. Moreover, vitamin D is an essential nutrition needed for maintaining a healthy immune system. However, the amount of vitamin D in your body tends to decrease during the winter, weakening the capability of your body to fight diseases when encountered. 

Now, these are some of the ways to help avoid getting sick during season changes:

  1. Stay hydrated

2. Exercise regularly

3. Maintain a balanced diet

4. Main proper hygiene

5. Get vaccinated


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